I used the boat ramp and headed out for a few hours of fishing. It started off cool, windy and grey, and then the clouds moved out and we experienced sunny skies. The only challenge was that the wind really started to kick in. I fished the first cove (to get out of the wind), but realized the the fish were probably up on the rocks in the whitecaps. Great for fishing ...challenging for kayaking. I went around the point (you can see it in the photo, towards port side). I took the kayak through the white caps into the next cove and fished the other side- same story-not a taker. So I headed back and drift kayaked back up on the point. The lesson learned in this trip was a quick fact that I got lazy and forgot. ALWAYS RE-TIE YOUR CRANKBAITS AFTER A SNAG UP! I was fishing a crank bait (Wiggle Wart- my go to!) and got snagged real bad in the second cove. I thought I might lose the lure, but managed to get it out. If I would have felt the line, I would have realized it was time to re-tie the lure.
Going back to the "one that got away" story- As I was drift fishing with the wind to my back, and got up on a very nice Largemouth in the rocks. Got him almost to the boat, and then "snap" I watched him take off with my Wiggle Wart in his mouth....wow! Lesson learned....
Fish ON!
Kayak fishing McCubbins Point at Lake of the Ozarks
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