Sunday, June 5, 2011

Table Rock Lake, Aunts Creek Access, Stone County, MO: Lake still real high, got a little action in the trees

I got a chance to get a nice kayak paddle in on Table Rock Lake, Aunts Creek area.  I did about 5.5 miles to end of the Aunts Creek arm and back.  The first half was all about getting to the mark with the kayak, the second half was about the fishing.  Was a little slow, but got a couple of hits and a small smallmouth on a zoom finesse worm, Texas rigged.  Was throwing right in the trees.
The second video below was from kayaking a couple of nights before, right as the sun was going fish pictures in this video, but there are some really gorgeous shots, and if you have not been down here, it gives you a visual of how high the water is.  Good news is that Beaver Lake, Arkansas is down, so Table Rock Lake should be next...enjoy!

Fish ON!


Kayaking 5.5 miles on Table Rock Lake, Missouri

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1 comment:

Abhistha said...

very very very very nice .i like it, i love this very very much.